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Socialist Sofia in Sofia Old City Tours

Although many monuments had been destroyed or neglected after the Communist regime. We can still see many of them in our Sofia Old City tours.

The Communist Bulgaria, like the other communist countries left their mark on the landscape. Pretty successful, one would say.

When you look at the monuments and you compare them, you might notice that they differ in size. The bigger the better, accordiong to communist mentality.

Let’s see some of the socialist hot points in Sofia…

Ministry of Councils and Presidency House

Both buildings are located on each side of the yellow brick road, which was the wedding present from the Austro-Hungarian Empire for the marriage of Ferdinand I and Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma on April 20, 1893. If you think that yellow represents freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty and joy. What could be the better gift for them to put around their place.

Still the centre of Sofia is proud to have these same yellow bricks. Nowadays, it has even entered the Bulgarian language and it is often used in the expression ‘to have been born or grown up on the yellow pavement’.

Communist Sofia old city Tour

Socialist Sofia in Sofia Old City ToursAlthough many monuments had been destroyed or neglected after the Communist regime. We can still see many of them in our Sofia Old City tours.The Communist Bulgaria, like...

Alanya Castle

