Michael V Part 25


Book Five Notes

64. The Guardian of the Orphans was banished to the monastery of Monobatae. Cedrenus (749D) has a different account. According to him John was banished by Zoe before Michael was crowned.

65. John was blinded in prison on the orders of Michael Cerularius the Patriarch who never forgave him for his own imprisonment during the reign of Michael IV. The date was 1043.

66. It was Constantine IX Monomachus who put John to death, after banishing him to Mltylene.

67. Despite this criticism it must be remembered that Michael restored George Maniaces and Constantine Dalassenus, both men of great ability. The future patriarch Constantine Lichudes also first obtained promotion in this reign. The Byzantine historian Michael Attaliates altogether differs from Psellus in his estimate of Michael V (cf. G. Schlumberger, L’epopée byzantine, III).

68. The text of the Proclamation of 19 April 1042, made in the Forum of Constantine the Great by the City Prefect Anastasius, is preserved in Cedrenus (750D, p. 537). In it Michael accused Zoe of treachery and Alexius the patriarch (who was deposed at the same time) of collaborating wich her. The account of the whole episode is different in Cedrenus. According to him Michael was persuaded by the Nobilissimus and the Guardian of the Orphans (then in exile) not to trust Zoe. They insisted that she was preparing to poison him. She was sent to the island or Principo on 18 April.

69. Women inspired to ecstatic frenzy by Dionysus.

70. Zoe’s father was Constantine VIII, her grandfather Romanus II, her greatgrandfather Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus.

71. Theodora had been exiled to the convent of Petrion during the reign of Romanus III Argyrus.

72. Constantine Cabasilas.

73. Heavy casualties were suffered on both sides in the battle of 19-20 April. As many as 3,000 men are said to have been killed.

74. The newly-appointed City Prefect, Campanares. Zoe (Cedrenus, 752C, p. 540) was inclined not to punish Michael. The people were justified in suspecting that she might once again place him on the throne. Theodora, on the other hand, was bitterly opposed to him. The patriarch Alexius seems to have played a leading part in the whole revolt.

75. The execution took place at the Sigma on 21 April 1042. After being blinded Michael was banished to the monastery of Elcimon. Where the Nobilissimus went to we do not know.

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